Master's Degrees in Health Services
Master's Degree Information: Health Services Degrees
A master's degree in health services is a way for professionals to further their knowledge and training and develop a specialty. This section contains program summaries for several master's degrees in health services, including Clinical Psychology, Clinical Research Administration and Community Counseling. The summaries include both educational and professional information on the degree program.
Clinical Psychology Master's Degree
A master's degree in clinical psychology will bring you one step closer to a career. This article looks at the ins and outs of a typical master's program and what you can study as part of the course content.
Clinical Research Administration Master's Degree
A master's program in clinical research administration represents the intersection of medicine, business and law. This article will show you the variety of programs offered, typical classes, and career options in the field.
Counseling Psychology Master's Degree Programs
Get an overview of the admission and graduation requirements for master's degree programs in counseling psychology. Find out what kind of jobs you can obtain after you graduate, and get the career outlook and earning potential for jobs in this...